Attention, Elon Musk fans! There's a new way to follow your idol - or anyone else

Elon Musk has 130 mln followers on Twitter and his account is certainly among most popular on the platform. No wonder, the guy founded several very innovative businesses, he's super rich and known for his direct, sometimes controversial and rude style.

You can love him, or you can hate him. But you cannot ignore him.

Interestingly, he only follows - at the time of writing - 183 Twitter accounts. Huge disproportion compared to 130 mln of his followers. It's not a secret who is Elon following - you can easily check that on Twitter. Also, when you follow his profile, you get a notification whenever Elon posts something - or at least it shows on your feed. However, what Twitter won't inform you is:

  • it won't notify you when he follows a new profile
  • or when his followers count changes
  • or when he finally writes a bio on his profile :)

Thankfully, you can easily have all of this with a web monitoring service. Just go to the, enter url of the profile into the address bar and hit GO! Then select a piece of page you are specifically interested in, leave your email address - and that's it!
Rest assured, when something changes on your idol's profile, you'll be the first to know :)

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